
Dr. Noel Saint Beauvoir: First Haitian-Trained Fellow in Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstruction at the Bladder Health and Reconstructive Urology Institute

Dr. Noel Saint Beauvoir: First Haitian-Trained Fellow in Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstruction at the Bladder Health and Reconstructive Urology Institute

Doctor Noel Saint Beauvoir is the first Haitian-trained fellow accepted at the Bladder Health and Reconstructive Urology Institute training program under the direction of Dr. Angelo E. Gousse.

Dr. Gousse, Clinical Professor of Urology, is the director of the Female Urology, Voiding Dysfunction, Urinary Tract Reconstruction Fellowship, which has been in existence for more than 15 years. Dr. Gousse has trained more than 14 Urologists, either trained in the U.S. or Canada, who are currently practicing throughout the country. However, Dr. Gousse has never trained a young Haitian urologist.

Dr. Gousse , a native of Haiti, has been active in medical and urology missions in his homeland for the past 18 years. He has played a major role in the genesis of the Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU)www.urohaiti.org.

Through GASHU, several Haitian, American, and international urologists have dedicated great efforts and resources for the past five years towards numerous seminars, workshops, video teleconferences and lectures in Haiti including American Urological Association (AUA) supported Ultrasound Workshops and two-day conferences in Port-au-Prince in 2014, 2015, and 2017. This has helped the association to evolve into a better organized and coordinated Urology Association. GASHU has been able to streamline philanthropic efforts and equipment donations in order to maximize the positive impact to urology training, practice and patient care in Haiti. GASHU has recently identified the newly built Hospital St Francois de Salles (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) as one of the premiere hospitals in Haiti which offers great potential for the training of residents and the development of surgical workshops. One of its strategies has been to also train young Haitian urologists outside of Haiti in various urology sub-specialties. The urologists who receive training abroad are expected to return to Haiti to share their knowledge and expertise and train others. In line with this strategic plan, Dr. Noel Saint Beauvoir has traveled to South Florida for the Urodynamics, Voiding Dysfunction, Female Pelvic Floor Medicine and Reconstruction Fellowship under the supervision of Dr. Gousse.

About Dr Noel Saint Beauvoir:

Dr. Beauvoir was born in Lagonave, the largest island in Haiti. He attended Medical school in Haiti at Universite Lumiere and successfully completed his residency training in Urology at University Hospital Justinien in Cap Haitien under the supervision of Dr. Jean Geto Dube. Dr. Beauvoir has always been interested in voiding dysfunction and urodynamics. He applied to the six months Bladder Health and Reconstructive Urology Institute ( BHRUI ) Fellowship in January 2018. He was selected amongst numerous young Haitian urologists who applied for the program. He started his Fellowship training on March 5, 2018. Dr. Beauvoir will be trained in techniques and interpretation of urodynamics, female pelvic floor reconstruction, prostate ultrasonography and biopsy techniques, lower urinary tract endoscopic procedures, prosthetic surgery (penile implant, artificial urinary sphincter, Interstim), urethral reconstruction and general office urology. He is expected to complete a clinical research investigation prior to the completion of his fellowship.

A Donation from Laborie:

Dr. Beauvoir is being trained with a Laborie, Goby -TM, multichannel urodynamic unit. The unit was donated by Laborie to serve philanthropic and educational purposes in Haiti. The unit is the world’s most compact urodynamic system that is modular and wireless. The donated unit will be delivered to Haiti upon Dr Beauvoir’s graduation from the fellowship. Currently, there is no urodynamic laboratory in Haiti to study voiding dysfunction.

Dr. Beauvoir reported: “I am very fortunate to have been selected for the fellowship. I am indebted to GASHU and Dr. Angelo Gousse for this very unique opportunity which will certainly reshape my entire clinical career.”

Dr. Beauvoir will also improve his verbal and written English communication skills. He believes that improvement of his English skills will be a great asset for him in the future.

In September of 2018, Dr. Beauvoir will return to Haiti to serve his community and train other young urologists.

Fellowship support:

The fellowship is supported by a personal grant from Dr. Angelo Gousse and the Bladder Health and Reconstructive Urology Institute.

The next Haitian-trained urology fellow is expected to arrive in September of 2018. Dr. Gousse is hoping to obtain extramural grants or donations to support this endeavor in the future. The fellows are provided a cost of living stipend, a motor vehicle for transportation, and educational supplies.

The fellowship is being offered as part of the strategic planning of GASHU to improve Urology care and access in Haiti.

First Formal Female Urology Workshop in Cap Haitien

July 27-28, 2017

Logistics:   On July 27 & 28, 2017, I visited the University Justinien Hospital. I drove from Port-au-Prince to Cap Haitien in a large size SUV I rented at the Port-au-Prince International Airport.  I do not currently recommend the drive unless you enjoy “off-road” driving’ like I do. I stayed in Cap Haitien at a nice boutique Hotel called Habitation Jouissaint. The Hotel was recommended to me by Dr Geto Dube (Chief of Urology and Chief administrator of the Hospital). I was very pleased with the Hotel. It had friendly staff, great AC, excellent food, beautiful ocean and mountain views.

Workshop Participants: I had the opportunity to meet with the residents and evaluate the outpatient clinic, inpatient facilities, and operating room.  The Urology service includes two fulltime attending urologists – Dr. Geto Dube – Chief of Service and Residency Program Director and Dr. Jory Desir, Assistant Chief. Dr. Desir is very involved in residency teaching and well respected by the residents. Currently, the residency program has 3 residents in training. Two PGY 3 and one PGY4 (graduating in 6 months). There is no PGY1 or PGY2. I understand that this was planned because of the diminished caseload and frequent strikes in the Hospital, which is a national and governmental dilemma. The Residents include: Robens Dorsainvi PGY 4, Jesena Samson PGY 3, and Jolius Thelusme PGY 3.

Female Urology Workshop Structure: The female urology and voiding dysfunction session consisted of a two -hour lecture in the Chief of Urology’s Office and Conference room.  The entire service attended the lecture including all the residents and attending urologists.  The subjects discussed included:

Surgical Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence

  • Epidemiology and pathophysiology of stress urinary incontinence
  • Relevant Anatomy of female stress urinary incontinence
  • Appraisal of different techniques used to treat stress urinary incontinence
  • Complications rates associated with various techniques currently used to treat stress urinary incontinence
  • Technical details of various Stress urinary incontinence operations
  • Indications for surgery
  • Management of complications associated with midurethral sling placement

   Evaluation and management of Overactive Bladder (OAB)

1-Definition of OAB –dry without urge incontinence) and OAB –wet (with urge incontinence)

2-Evaluation of OAB – ie UA, PVR, Exam etc

3- Appraisal of the current AUA/SUFU OAB Guidelines

4- Medical management of OAB – Drugs available in Haiti and side effect

5- Appraisal of Third line OAB Therapies: Sacral Nerve Stimulation (Interstim), Posterior tibial     nerve stimulation, Bladder Botox (Chemodenervation)

6- Mechanism of action and side effects of Chemodenervation

Operating Room Session at Hospital Justinien Cap Haitien

A 49 yo Haitian female, multiparous, with mixed (Balanced) urinary incontinence. She had a grade II Cystocele and grade I rectocele and no uterine prolapse. Vaginal tissue was well estrogenized. Pre-operative evaluation revealed minimal post void residual and cough stress test demonstrated stress urinary incontinence associated with rotational descent of the urethra.  Dr. Dube had previously performed a positive Q Tip test. Her outcome expectations were counseled for her diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia.  I examined and counseled the patient pre-operatively with the residents.

The patient was placed in the lithotomy position. The OR table was in very poor state of disrepair. The stirrups were metallic poorly padded with a” make-shift” tubing holding them. The size of the OR was adequate. The anesthesia team of the Hospital was competent, friendly and very skilled.  Two attendings and one senior resident who had just graduated scrubbed the case.  The Haitian urologists and resident participated in all steps of the surgery.  Teaching points included:

  • Vaginal Exposure
  • Pearls of obtaining vaginal access for vaginal surgery
  • Techniques of vaginal wall flap dissection
  • Techniques for safe Passage of retropubic/Suprapubic trochars
  • Importance and pearls during intraoperative cystoscopy to rule out bladder or urethral perforation
  • Technical pearls for tensioning the suburethral sling
  • Proper techniques for anterior vaginal wall closure

Generous Donation by Caldera Medical

The Sling Technique used was the Caldera Desara- Blue with the Re-usable Caldera retropubic suprapubic trochars that can be easily re-used and re-sterilized in any third world country including Haiti. This is also very cost effective.  Two sets of trochars were generously donated by Caldera Medical. A special thanks to Lavinia Kandy and Jody Stephens, my Caldera Medical territory manager.

In addition, Caldera Medical donated 6 retropubic suburethral Desara-Blue synthetic meshes for midurethral sling placement.  We used one and the team has 5 others remaining for subsequent cases. We are grateful to Caldera Medical for their support of the Female Urology Workshop in Cap Haitien.  Caldera has a designated philanthropic arm, which supports such medical missions.

Thank you again Caldera Medical for your philanthropy.

Other Observations:

The urology facilities in Cap Haitien are in a severe state of disrepair at Justinien Hospital. The Faculty, the chief of service and residents are very enthusiastic and eager to improve the program. The inpatient facility is in disrepair with an old setting and inadequate monitoring of post-op patients.  The patient beds are very old and the sanitary conditions vastly inadequate.  The ultrasound equipment essentially does not work and is an old B&K.  Gousse Urology LLC donated a Cook Biopsy Gun during the visit and accessories to the service in order to start a prostate biopsy program in Cap Haitien, but the ultrasound equipment is non-functional.

The service is in need of a flexible cystoscope. The Storz equipment that was donated a year ago remains in very good condition in Dr Dube’s (Chief of Service) office. The Storz Pack with video is missing a “video camera head “to be fully functional. Perhaps Storz can also donate a flexible cystoscope.  I did not get a sense that many TURPS were currently being performed in Cap Haitien. They are lacking the stone disease equipment we currently have a St Francois Hospital in Port-au- Prince.

The chief of Service and Dr Desir are very interested in Urodynamic Testing.  For many years they have shown a great interest in Urodynamics.  In fact, they have performed a few studies with old equipment in the past. I have contacted Laborie in order to see if they would be willing to donate new Urodynamic equipment to the service.  Dr Chris Gomez and I would be willing to teach Urodynamic testing at the service. In addition, perhaps the AUA/ SIU / Laborie can help pay for a graduating resident and a junior attending to participate in an AUA or Laborie Urodynamic course.

Finally, I am hoping that this year the Cap Program will resume accepting new residents in order to maintain the viability of this noble Urology teaching institution.  Of note, Justinien Hospital serves as the sole facility which services a large segment of the national population including major surrounding cities such as Milot, Port-de-Paix, Fort Liberte, Limonade, Limbe, Grande Riviere du Nord,  and even Gonaives etc. A donor has been identified who is willing to help renovate the physical facilities of the Urology Service of Justinien Hospital but wants the commitment of GASHU in order to obtain the necessary urologic equipments.

It was a true delight to have the honor and the opportunity to visit the Urology Department of University Justinien Hospital.

Angelo E. Gousse M.D.

Voluntary – Professor of Urology – University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine

Fellowship Director: Female Pelvic Medicine, Urodynmaics  and Reconstructive Urology

American Urologic Association – Representative to Haiti

Executive Board Member – Chair Resident Education Committee– Society of Urodynamics Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU)

Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU) – Member

Cap Hatien 2017_Gousse


Changing Children’s Lives in Haiti

Dr. Catherine deVries and Dr. Hiep Nguyen led a pediatric urology workshop in Port-au-Prince last month. Dr. Bernard Brutus and Dr. Youry Dreux hosted the workshop, which provided life-changing urological care to children in need. Together, GASHU members are making quality urological care available to more children in Haiti.

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Inauguration of ESWL at Hopital St. Francois de Sales (HSFDS)

Planning for this event began May 2016 in San Diego at the annual meeting of the American Urological Association. At that time I was offered the opportunity to participate in a project to bring ESWL, a non-invasive kidney stone treatment, to Haiti. Long term business associates and friends Chris Gleason (CEO, NextMed Inc,) and Todd Pierce (CEO, Translational Analytics and Statistics Inc.) were aware of our work in Haiti and had a desire to go international with their new decision engine for stone treatment. They felt that Haiti would be an interesting challenge for their first site. They approached Brock Faulkner (CEO Dornier MedTech, America) and they agreed to donate a refurbished ESWL unit. New units are valued at approximately $400,000. After my initial disbelief transitioned into doubts that it could be successfully accomplished, I discussed it with Dr. Pierre-Alix Nazon, a urologist from Haiti who was also attending the AUA in San Diego. At that time Dr.Nazon was the leading kidney stone urologist in Haiti. Todd and Chris met with him to explain the details of their offer and his enthusiasm and excitement following this meeting convinced me that we needed to make it happen. This launched the year-long project. Unfortunately, Dr. Nazon passed away prematurely in January 2017 before seeing its completion.

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The timing of the offer coincided with negotiations between our newly formed Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU) and the governing board of Hopital St. Francois de Sales (HSFDS) for a “Memorandum of Understanding” to develop a urology center of excellence in Port-au-Prince. Our goal was to establish a center which would function as a facility to teach Haitian urology residents and provide contemporary urological care to all patients in Haiti. A number of generous donations have facilitated this: the Global Philanthropic Committee (GPC) of the AUA and the Societie Internationale Urologie provided funding for a full time urology nurse, ForTec Medical Inc. donated a Holmium laser lithotripter, Karl Storz Urology inc. donated a complete set of new adult and pediatric urological endoscopy instruments, and Dr. John Denstedt, the Endourological Society and Cook Medical,Inc. lent expertise and funding to start a percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) program in Haiti (see report from March 2017 trip to HSFDS). ESWL would be the final piece in the formation of a stone treatment center.

Although the unfortunate loss of Dr. Nazon was untimely, other urologists from the Haitian Society of Urology stepped up to complete the project. This effort was led by Dr. Bernard Brutus, Dr. Youry Dreux and Dr. Reginald Valme. Resident participation by Dr. Christian Valme, in particular, was invaluable.

The Haiti ESWL project included crating and shipment of the equipment (totaling 2532 lbs.) to Coconut Creek , FL after complete refurbishment. This was organized and funded by Dornier who have proven to be dedicated partners. With the help of HSFDS and Dr. Bernard Brutus, arrangements were made to have the equipment shipped by sea from Florida to Haiti by Food For The Poor Inc. This process, which included clearing customs was accomplished smoothly.

Dr. Dreux and the GPC funded nurse, Japhare Joseph, were chosen to be the ESWL technicians and their training was meticulously planned, funded and undertaken by NextMed. They both completed an internet based training course before attending an intense specially designed simulation and live training course over a 2 week period in Tucson, AZ and Dallas, TX. Dr. Brutus and Dr. Reginald Valme also spent time observing at a NextMed ESWL center in Fort Lauderdale, Fl.

Following the 2017 annual meeting of the AUA in Boston Todd Pierce, Chris Gleason, Brock Faulkner, Mary Butler (Chief Technology Officer, Dornier MedTech International), my wife Pat and I flew to Port-au-Prince for the inauguration of the ESWL unit and treatment of the first cases.
Our arrival was preceded for several days by the arrival of Dornier engineer Patrick Dixon, whose task it was to install the unit and deal with the complexities of an unpredictable power supply. Being experienced with installations in multiple countries, as well as a great team member, he proved to be the perfect person for the task.

The day prior to our arrival, the lead trainer for NextMed, Paul Starr arrived to inspect the equipment to ensure a successful launch. He worked with Patrick, and the Haitian ESWL “techs” Dr. Dreux and Japhare to familiarize them the the nuances of the Compact Delta I. He also coached them on the complex computer based data reporting program that they had learned about in Tucson. Completion of this data entry to record patient outcomes data is the only expectation that was requested in return for the generous donation.

By the time we arrived all was set from the equipment perspective and the Haitian urologists had lined up a number of stone patients who eagerly awaited non-invasive treatment of their kidney stones.

On Thursday May, 18th, 1 year after the initial offer, a reception was held at HSFDS in conjunction with a press conference with the national Haitian media to celebrate the launch of the ESWL program at the stone treatment center. The enthusiasm and pride of the hospital staff and administration was palpable and we know from the number of patients who presented at the hospital the next day looking for treatment of their kidney stones that the word was disseminated by the news media.

After the ceremony, we successfully screened a large number of patients, reviewing each case with the local urologists and teaching appropriate work up, evaluation and patient selection. This process will be greatly aided by the Translation Analytics and Statistics decision engine.

Over the next 2 ½ days we did 15 successful ESWL treatments (14 patients with kidney stones and 1 with a distal ureteral calculus). Dr. Dreux and Japhare proved to be very capable and knowledgeable from their training and Paul was a seasoned, laid back teacher who allowed them to work through the complexities of operating the system. Patrick stayed back an extra day to support and work on power issues. Several items that need to be adapted were identified and will be addressed, demonstrating Dornier’s long term commitment to the program’s success. The hospital electrician and Bio-Med technician were trained and familiarized with the system and with the help of “Zoom conferences” technical support will be accomplished remotely as much as possible.

Dr. Dreux and Japhare will participate in the data retrieval program and regular internet based bi-monthly conferences with US NextMed technicians for ongoing training and feedback on their outcomes.

Upon departure the consensus was that the stone center had a viable ESWL program to offer Haitian patients and the core urologists and technical support staff were well positioned to provide outcomes that would rival top US treatment centers. The dedication of Todd, Chris, Brock and Mary along with the staff of their companies, NextMed and Dornier was inspirational.

HSFDS is proving to be a very willing and enthusiastic partner in this project to form a urology center of excellence. From the opening reception we felt welcomed. We were served lunches daily which included very appetizing Haitian dishes and on the last day we were presented with gifts. The nursing staff in the OR, and on the wards were enthusiastic and willing to learn. On Saturday morning we were pleased to have Mgr. Serge Chadic, a hospital board member, come to observe one of our cases.

The only dark cloud that hung over this very satisfying 3 day experience was that Dr. Pierre-Alix Nazon was not present to bear witness to the outcome of his visionary thinking. We anticipate that many Haitians will benefit from the generosity of this donation from NextMed, Dornier, Translational Analytics and Statistics, and all those who helped to make this ambitious project a success.

Henri Lanctin MD, FACS

Academic Eulogy of Dr Pierre-Alix Nazon

Dr Pierre-Alix Nazon, beloved husband and father, died on Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at the age of 56. Born on August 11, 1960, Dr. Nazon had an illustrious career in private and academic urology in Haiti, devoting his life to providing the best urologic care that Haiti can offer. While he was an extremely progressive and talented urologist, his greatest love was for his family, his children, his friends, his colleagues and the Haitian people. He has left a deep void in the heart of his beloved wife Regine, his sons Jean Paul and Samuel, his daughters Kara and Lara – both young physicians, his mother Maud, his brother Claude and his two sisters Marie-Helene and Marie Maude.

He was an avid soccer player and was known for his athleticism. Despite being a calm and mild mannered person, always with a gentle smile on his face, he was a karate teacher. He instructed soccer and karate to his peers, friends, and colleagues.

He attended medical school in Haiti at the Universite D’Etat D’Haiti, and went on to complete his residency training in urology at the same institution. Son of a renowned urologist and pioneer in Haitian Urology, Dr Claude Nazon, he followed the footsteps of his father and sought further training abroad. Pierre-Alix was accepted for a fellowship in lower urinary tract endoscopy at the Urology Department of the University Hospital in Lyon, France under the direction of Professor Paul Perrin in 1989-90. To further his training he spent 3 months in Israel mastering upper urinary tract endoscopy and lithotripsy (1995).

When he returned to Haiti, he was actively involved in residency training and the development of a stone management program in Haiti. He attracted a busy clinical practice in Port-au-Prince and surgically treated numerous patients with minimal resources. He had great vision for the future of Haitian Urology. From the onset, he was most receptive to collaborative efforts between international and Haitian urologists. This past May 2016, he traveled to San Diego (USA) to attend the America Urologic Association (AUA) meeting to represent Haiti at the Global Philanthropic Committee meeting. Along with some international urologists he conceived of the required strategies to improve Urologic care in Haiti.

He has been welcoming to changes and educational opportunities in order to improve urologic care in Haiti. He has authored numerous articles in Haitian medical journals and has given several conferences. He has pioneered minimally invasive kidney stone management in Haiti. He was one of the first urologists to introduce transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), ureteroscopy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in Haiti. He was a leader in the Societe Haitienne D’Urologie (SHU) and the newly created Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU), which he helped name. He was instrumental in drafting the memorandum of understanding that currently governs the SHU and the University Hospital Saint Francois de Salles.

Dr. Nazon was an extraordinary teacher and mentor, having trained countless interns, students and residents in clinical Urology. He was profoundly devoted to helping develop the state of the art management of stone disease in Haiti.

Pierre Alix’s death leaves a great void for his family, his colleagues, and within Haitian Urology. His family will remember his limitless love and the sacrifices he made to provide them with the highest quality of life and the best education possible. His friends will remember him as an avid accordion player and a devoted soccer player. His soccer teammates will remember him for his love of the soccer field where he exhaled his last breaths at the tender age of 56.

A Memorial Service for Dr Pierre Alix Nazon was held on January 21, 2017 at Parc du Souvenir, Tabarre, Haiti. Countless family members, colleagues, and friends were gathered to pay their last respect.

You will be missed Pierre-Alix. Rest in Peace.
Angelo E. Gousse M.D.
American Urological Association
Representative for Haiti

GASHU Featured in Florida’s Haitian Media

Click here to read coverage by Le Floridien of GASHU’s work in Haiti:

GASHU members include the American Urological Association ( AUA ) , Societe Internationale d’Urologie (SIU), International Volunteers in Urology (current name IVUmed ) Association des Medecins Haitiens a l’Etranger (AMHE) , Societe Haitienne D’Urologie (SHU) , Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons- GURS, Project Haiti, Notre Dame Filariasis Project, and Konbit Sante to name a few.

Above: Dr. Angelo Gousse, a leading voice in GASHU

Introducing the Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU)

The Societe Haitienne D’Urologie (SHU) and the Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU) are proud to announce the official signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the SHU and St. Francois de Salles on Friday, August 26, 2016 in Port-au-Prince on the premises of the newly built Hospital.

Background Information:
For more than 20 years, foreign urologists have independently provided direct patient care in Haiti or conducted educational seminars to share their expertise with fellow Haitian colleagues. In general, these activities have operated independently without cross-coordination and thus have failed to achieve their full potential.

Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU)
To overcome these shortcomings, several Haitian, American, and International Urologists have dedicated great efforts and resources for the past 5 years towards numerous seminars, workshops, AUA supported Ultrasound Workshops and two-day conferences in Port-au-Prince (2013, 2014). This has helped the organization overall to evolve into a better organized and coordinated Urology Association. The newly named Global Association for the Support of Haitian Urology (GASHU) will be able to streamline these efforts in order to maximize the positive impact to urology training, practice and patient care in Haiti. GASHU has recently identified the newly built Hospital St Francois de Salles (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) as one of the premiere hospitals in Haiti which offers great potential for the training of Residents and the development of surgical workshops. The geographic location and infrastructure of Hospital St Francois de Salles (SFDS) are superb. The Haitian Clergy and Leadership at SFDS are very welcoming and eager to help the Haitian Community at large.

This significant effort which holds great promise to change the landscape of urologic care in Haiti is supported by several influential foreign global Urology organizations and international leaders in the field of Urology.

The members of these efforts include the American Urologic Association ( AUA ) the Global Philanthropic Committee ( GPC ) , Societe Internationale D’Urologie – SIU, International Volunteers in Urology (current name IVUmed ) Association des Medecins Haitiens a l’Etranger (AMHE) , Societe Haitienne D’Urologie (SHU) , Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons- GURS, Project Haiti, Notre Dame Filariasis Project, and Konbit Sante to name a few.

A Clear Mission:
The Mission of the Organization is to improve academic urologic training in Haiti by working with the residents and to better coordinate the efforts of non-Haitian urologists contributing to urologic care in Haiti. This will also improve access and quality of urological care in Haiti. Another focus point of our mission is to increase educational awareness towards the Haitian public on the importance of urologic disorders. This mission will be completed through various media outlets and activities.

Karl Storz and GPC Support Urology Training in Les Cayes, Haiti

Henri Lanctin, MD led a urology workshop in Les Cayes, Haiti that was supported by the Global Philanthropic Committee (GPC) and a generous equipment donation by Karl Storz. Drs. Sahmonde Myril and Gaby Nelson enthusiastically agreed to care for the donated equipment on behalf of their facility, Hopital Immaculee Conception des Cayes. This large general hospital serves the lower peninsula of the country and recorded over 60,000 patient visits in 2015. Drs. Myril and Nelson will track the cases they perform and report on their work in October 2016.

“It is my belief that this donation by Karl Storz, supported by the Global Philanthropic Committee, will provide a huge service to the patients of the lower peninsula of Haiti for many years,” Dr. Lanctin stated. “It will also help bridge the working relationship between the urologists in Port-au-Prince and the two local urologists, who are somewhat isolated and early in their careers. I felt a huge sense of personal gratification mixed with a deep sense of responsibility during the mission to deliver this very generous donation from Karl Storz to Les Cayes, Haiti.”

Les Cayes Storz Donation2016b


8th Reconstructive and General Urology Workshop in Pignon, Haiti


A team of 12 IVUmed-Project Haiti volunteer doctors and nurses returned this weekend from a workshop in Pignon, Haiti.  While there, they trained eight Haitian urologists and treated 17 patients.  The focus of this workshop was on adult male reconstructive urology.

This trip was the 8th workshop in the training series.  The volunteer experts conducting the workshops have seen improvement in the capacities of the local surgeons each year.  These teams have been led by devoted volunteer Dr.Henri Lanctin.  Dr. Lanctin commented: “Our IVUmed – Project Haiti workshops have now trained 30 Haitian Urologists, Gynecologists and residents. Many have been present for multiple workshops.  After this week a total of 57 urethral reconstruction procedures have been done. We are encouraged by the improving surgical skills, and number of cases being performed by several of the repeat attendees.”

Also in attendance at the workshop was a newly hired urology nurse, who has been funded by Societie Internationale d’Urologie to work at  L’Hopital de l’Universite d’Etat D’Haiti (HUEH), the main hospital of the public university medical school in Haiti.  During the week she had the opportunity to work with the volunteer team and learn during lectures and hands-on surgical cases.  With a dedicated and well-trained urology nurse, the urology program in Haiti will be greatly benefited.


Mission Statement

UroHaiti.org brings together Haitian physicians and nurses and others from abroad working in Haiti to build local capacity for quality urological training and care. By working together, we can build sustainable, self-reliant surgical programs that meet the needs of communities throughout Haiti.

Copyright 2015